Validation Tables - Viewing and Editing

From Navigator, go to OH&S | OH&S Framework | Validation Tables. The following Validation tables are available:


In Validation Tables | Locations you add as much information as possible referring to the location information where OHS issues may occur for your staff or visitors. This might include offices, factories or off-site locations.

OHS Roles

This table lists all the OHS Roles that constitute the structure of the OHS organisation within the company. This should include all paid and voluntary positions. Examples include OHS Manager, Health & Safety Representative, and Emergency Warden.

Committee Roles

This table lists all the OHS Roles that constitute the membership of the company’s Health & Safety Committee(s). This should include all paid and voluntary positions. Examples include OHS Manager, Chairperson, and Committee Member.

Audits & Meetings

This contains Validation Tables for Audit/Meeting Types and Action Types.


When hazards have been identified, work will need to take place to address the issues.


When an incident occurs and is recorded within OHS, there are several specific fields that must/can be completed to specifically identify and describe what took place.

Plant & Equipment

These tables list all information for Plant & Equipment used within the company.